Key Features
The FITFINDER 1/2 Gauge allows you to find the 1/2 thickness of any material up to 3″ thick. Create perfectly fitting joints with zero guesswork, set fences and transfer cutting depths instantly—all with no math or measuring.

The FITFINDER 1/2 Gauge automatically finds the center of your workpiece using simple geometry. Lock the measurement in place and set the cutting depth of your saw blade/router bit, or set fences.
- Match the material’s thickness – Place material under P2, then lower P2 so that it rests on top of the material.
- Find the 1/2 point – The bottom of P3 automatically adjusts to exactly 1/2 the thickness of the material.
- Transfer measurement – Lock in the measurement and use the FITFINDER to set cutting depths and fences.
Use it around your shop.

Set fences for resawing.
Set fence position and resaw material on the bandsaw with zero guesswork.
Center stock on the lathe.
Find the center of stock and mount material on the lathe for safer spindle turning.

Set precise cutting depths.
Lock in the measurement and transfer to the router or table saw to set cutting depth for flawless lap joints.

Center router bits.
Quickly and accurately find the halfway point of material.
Perfectly fitting joints. Zero guesswork.
Overlap Joints
Half Lap Joints
Rail & Stile Joints
The FITFINDER was conceived while founder and inventor, Henry Wang, was developing the Dado Stop. While the Dado Stop solved the problem of cutting the width of a dado, setting the dado’s depth for half-laps still proved challenging. Henry realized that the solution was already there—from a Greek mathematician that lived over 2 millenia ago—Pythagoras. He applied this simple principle of geometry to a common woodworking process, and the FITFINDER was born.